الاثنين، 19 أبريل 2010

رأي Tiffany في جولة Wonder girls

حيث عبرت قائلتا بأن SNSD سيحققون نجاح أكبر من Wonder Girls في خارج كوريا عندما كان Adam Riley of Cubed3 يقدم مقابلة معاها عبر الإنترنت
** أنا أنتظر اليوم إلي بيطلعون من كوريا ^_^
المقابلة : ** ما لحقت أترجم Sorry *_*

AR: Have any of your songs already been released in the Western countries yet? If not, do you think 2010 will be the year when Girls’ Generation ‘conquers’ the rest of the world?
Tiffany: No, not yet, but you can buy the “Oh!” album on iTunes *smiles* We won’t ‘conquer the world’ this year…but hopefully next year! We’re just focusing on the Asian markets right now.
AR: Wonder Girls have had massive success in the US with ‘Nobody.’ Do you think Girls’ Generation can be even more successful than Wonder Girls in places like the US and Europe?
Tiffany: Definitely!! *laughs*
AR: SNSD is the No.1 ‘Girl Group’ in Korea at the moment, but do you already have many fans here in Europe and over in the US?
Tiffany: From what I’ve read, yes! Some of the fans told me they’re from Morocco, Saudi Arabia, France, England…
AR: For the past three years, Nintendo has worked with some very famous Korean actors and actresses for its Nintendo DS and Wii advertising. How does it make you feel to be added to a list of famous celebrities like Lee Na-Young Lee (이나영) and Won Bin (원빈)?
Tiffany: It’s amazing, because when I was a trainee, I used to watch them on television, and being able to be on the same “list” as them now is indescribable!
AR: It is often said that ‘the camera never lies…’ So who looked the prettiest when using the DSi camera? And who looked the funniest when you used the photo editing software?
Tiffany: The prettiest was…Yuri and the funniest was our Seobaby (Seohyun) *smiles*
AR: Final question – who is going to do better in the World Cup this year, England or South Korea?
Tiffany: SOUTH KOREAAAAA!!! *grins*

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